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<del draggable="JQF1tU"></del><small dropzone="Q1xgz"></small><acronym id="4xO5FP"><var lang="VV7Pw"><strong draggable="vOtths"></strong></var></acronym><address id="fKwpg1"><small id="Gs8hs"></small></address>

类型:动作  美国  1999 

主演:玛瑞儿·海明威 道格·萨文特 莫尼卡·凯娜 Dallas Page 

导演:Armand Mastroianni 

<del dropzone="WslI0"></del><center lang="P55C0"></center>


A female Secret Service agent goes against protocol to save the U.S. president from an assassination attempt. She is reassigned to protect the president's daughter, which she considers a demotion. When the first daughter is kidnapped during a hiking trip, the agent and a river guide go to rescue her



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